Benefits of Being a Personal Trainer Hero

10 Benefits of Being a Personal Trainer: Top Perks & Advantages

The benefits of being a personal trainer are numerous. If you’re considering a PT career, then it’s important to understand the rewards as well as the downsides. But beyond the usual work benefits like pensions, sick pay, and paid holiday, what are the advantages of being a personal trainer?

In this article – we share 10 perks of being a personal trainer that make it both financially and personally rewarding.

  1. High earning potential
  2. Job satisfaction
  3. Flexible working hours
  4. Free gym membership
  5. Maintaining personal health
  6. Make a difference
  7. Free professional training
  8. Lots of variety
  9. Help friends and family
  10. Indulge a passion for sport

If you’re weighing up the pros and cons of being a personal trainer, then this list will help you look at the positives. Being armed with as much info as possible will enable you to make a well-informed decision about your career. Let’s explore each of them in more detail…

10 Benefits of Being a Personal Trainer

High Earning Potential

Personal trainers can earn fantastic money once they’re certified and have built a client base. While the average PT earns around $40,000, many earn six-figure salaries. There’s a huge earning potential for trainers who tap into the right niche and build a strong reputation.

The internet has also open up endless online personal training opportunities for pros who embrace this option. Selling digital fitness programs, fitness ebooks, and courses can generate lots of additional income for PTs.

You’ll need to do the up-front work of creating these digital products but after that the income becomes passive, so isn’t limited by your training availability (unlike in-person training which maxes out at around 40 hours per week).

Job Satisfaction

One of the biggest benefits of becoming a personal trainer is the satisfaction that comes with the job. It’s hugely rewarding when people improve their health and wellness thanks to your help.

You’re often able to see tangible results from your coaching efforts – weight loss, speed improvements, and increases in strength. You may also see changes in client confidence and energy levels. Very few careers allow you to help people transform their lives but personal training is one of them.

Of course, it can be frustrating at times too. Unfortunately, not every client will follow your guidance and stick with a fitness program. But the satisfaction you get from those that do, will more than make up for it.

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Flexible Working Hours

One great advantage of being a personal trainer is the flexible working hours. As a freelance PT, you can choose your own hours and availability. If you want more freedom over your time or lifestyle, then becoming a self-employed trainer is a great option.

This allows you to fit other commitments around your career, making it ideal for parents or those with caring responsibilities. Once you’ve completed your certification and got a bit of experience, it’s easy to start your own PT business.

Free Gym Membership

If you work for a gym, then you’ll get free use of their fitness facilities. This can be worth anything from £10-£100 ($15-$150) per month or up to £1200 ($1800) over the course of a year!

You’ll typically get access to group exercise classes, pool facilities, and anything else included in standard memberships. However, you’d likely still need to pay for perks that members also pay extra for such as spa treatments (although they’d probably be discounted for employees ).

Maintaining Personal Health & Fitness

Many people struggle to fit exercise around work commitments, but that’s rarely the case for PTs. It’s not a sedentary desk job – you’ll always be on your feet. Whether it’s demonstrating exercises to clients or squeezing in HIIT sessions during breaks, being active is built into the job.

Plus, the qualifying training gives you fitness and nutrition knowledge for life. So, you’ll always know how to take care of your body and maintain your health. This is a lifetime benefit and one that’s hugely valuable.

What Are Perks of Being a Personal Trainer

Make a Difference

Being a personal trainer is a fantastic way to make a difference in the world. Helping people with their health isn’t just personally satisfying – it’s a way to make a real impact and leave a legacy in your community.

According to the World Health Organisation, 3.2 million deaths each year are attributable to insufficient physical activity. It’s the 4th leading risk factor for mortality – inactive people are 20%-30% more likely to die early. With rates of inactivity and obesity soaring, it’s an area of health that personal trainers are well-placed to help with.

Free Professional Training

Another great perk of being a personal trainer is access to free training. Gyms will often pay for you to attend professional development courses that further your skills. You even get paid for the privilege!

This has both financial and professional benefits. The most obvious is that you save money on training courses – something you’re required to do anyway to stay accredited as a personal trainer.

But it also means you’re continuously improving your training abilities and fitness knowledge. This helps you become a better PT and it’s one of the keys to long-term success. Plus, the more qualified you become, the higher salary you can earn!

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Lots of Variety

The fitness industry is constantly evolving which means personal training never gets stale. There are always new training techniques to master and emerging trends to learn about.

Fitness equipment also evolves and innovative machines are launched annually, so there’s a steady flow of products to keep up with too. This means there’s always more to learn so you are unlikely to become bored or stuck in a rut over the course of your career.

Help Friends & Family

Another key benefit of becoming a personal trainer is having the ability to help friends and family. All of us have questions about diet or exercise at some point in our lives. Being a PT means you’ll be able to answer them for others!

This isn’t something that can be said for many careers. If you work in marketing or finance, then only a small number of acquaintances will ever ask for your expertise. But with health and fitness knowledge, you’ll be able to help everyone in your circles.

Indulge a Passion for Sport

Sport is something many of us have a passion for, yet there are relatively few careers in the sector. Personal training is one route that allows you to indulge your love of fitness while earning money at the same time. No-one wants a dull job where time drags, so if you can find a career doing something you love, why not go for it?!

Benefits of Being a Personal Trainer

We think these are the top 10 benefits of personal training – clearly it’s a career that comes with a plenty of advantages! High earning potential, free gym membership, professional development courses, and freedom to freelance are some of the financial ones. But we think the job satisfaction, ability to help others, and personal health benefits are unrivalled by other careers.

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